Thursday, July 28, 2011

10 Summer Thoughts

by Louis Moustakas

Although I am preparing to jaunt off for a short vacation to British Columbia, a part of the country I have yet to visit, my mind still finds way to veer towards the Canadiens and the NHL as a whole.

1) People in Montreal are ridiculously harsh on Andrei Kostitsyn. He is a scorer and he is streaky. Get used to it. He also produces 20 goals a year, is big and led his team in hits last season. Forwards like that do not grow on trees. He certainly has untapped potential, but it is nonetheless a mistake for us to take him for granted.

2) Speaking of Andrei, I must admit his performance in this spring's World...

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

On Coaching and the Gorges Contract

by Louis Moustakas

On Coaching

For all the focus typically reserved for player development, the Montreal Canadiens have received an insufficient amount of credit for their ability to nurture talented young coaches. Michel Therrien took the Penguins to a Cup Final a few years ago. The highly touted Guy Boucher led the Lightning to the Conference Final in his...

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Pierre Gauthier Slowly, But Surely Addressing Size Issue

With the Panesar household increasing by one with the arrival of baby Devin, Kamal has quite understandably taken a summer hiatus from writing. In an effort to fill the void this creates on HA, I will occasionally be contributing news and observations to the site during these warm, hockeyless months.

"The Canadiens are too small"

The above statement, and its many variations, has been uttered innumerable times over at least the past decade. With a team...

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Montreal Canadiens Make Some Move And I Take a Break

by Kamal Panesar

As I sit here listening to the recording of Rush's YYZ I just did on my Roland TD-9 drum set, I am reminded of how long it has been since I've played drums.

At the same time, I think about how long it has been since I've written anything about hockey.

For those who don't know, my first child, Devin, was born last Wednesday June 29th and my world has been a whirlwind ever since.

I'm loving the experience of being a parent, as challenging as it can be at times. It is at once the most rewarding and most difficult thing I've ever done in my life.

So while the Habs were busy signing backup...

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