Monday, May 17, 2010 Announces the Launch of Addict Alley!

Greetings folks! Well, we at have started a new section on our site and it's all about the fans.

What do I mean by that?

Well, there are a bunch of talented Habs fans out there who know their hockey and who know how to write. As such, I decided to get them to start contributing on

To start things off we have Tyg and SP who will start posting on a semi-regular basis.

Tyg you might know from the comment threads and the live game chats we do. She knows he stuff and brings a firey edge to her writing.

SP, on the other hand, has watched the Habs from afar from most of his life. This year, however, he has started to get sucked into the playoff run and will be writing about his experiences from a newbie's point of view.

If any of you out there feel like you've got the right stuff and want to write a piece for Addict Alley, contact me at!

I hope you enjoy the new contributions! We'd love to have your thoughts in the comment section!

Thanks and enjoy!


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