Sunday, January 2, 2011

Kamal Panesar's Post Game Video Hit - Thrashers 4 - Habs 3 (OT)

In this inaugural post game video hit, Kamal briefly discussed the game between the Thrashers and the Canadiens, including his plus and minus for the night.

Who or what are your plus and minus?


What do I like? This team. What do I not like? Twitter wars.

It's never just one thing. Yes, Carey Price was soft on a couple of goals. Yes, the D was sloppy at times. The forwards could really stand to elevate the puck more instead of just shooting it into the opposing netminder's pads. If the refs call the high stick on Gio instead of the soft hook by Subban that changes the game. Cammalleri continues to maintain his pace for 25 lousy goals at a the bargain basement price of $6 million dollars. Steve Austin he ain't.

The Habs may have deserved to win this game, but at the end of the day they didn't. I'm happy they showed up to play and came from behind 3 times to tie it up at least. A week ago they couldn't be bothered to skate onto the ice from what I saw.

Baby steps.

Plus vs Thrashers...Habs found their legs which in turn led them to totally dominate most of this game.

Minus - The Habs Dmen's lack of a designed breakout play led to several scoring chances and a couple goals.

I missed the 1st period but caught the last period and a half. The 2nd period was one of the best periods I have seen the Habs play in years. If it is not for Ladd's goal at the end, I think the Habs win. That goal deflated them. The top guys were flying this afternoon. The Thrashers had trouble gaining the zone, their scoring chances came from defensive miscues and incompetence. I think the Fwds need to help out with giving our Dmen options to break out. The Habs dont have too many Dmen willing to just carry the puck.

The PP...2 goals WOW! If only they would learn to gain the zone and setup a designed set of plays. This dump and chase on the PP isnt working enough to be the #1 option. I think the #1 option is let JWizz(no relation to JWoww from Jersey Shore) blast the puck. I love this addition to the team...genius.

I hope the Habs brass have another trade up their sleeves. Heard rumours via 'The 4th Period' that the Habs were targeting Martin Havlat. Yeah! another streaky overpaid sniper. I wish for once they would get a consistent scorer. I could see AK and BP being shipped out if they dont snap out of it soon. Maybe the Sens could take them and give us Spezza(who clearly needs a change, and a better doctor).

Well, that is my 'Habs rant'(maybe i should start a blog...looks like I already have the name...LOL). I was gone over the holidays but now I am back and will be giving my 2 cents via comments as much as i can. GO HABS!!

P.S I havent had the chance to watch the full videos yet but definitely a nice edition. WTG Kamal!!

Tyg: Thanks for your comments (as always!).

Very well said and surprisingly positive from you! Wow! ;-)

I agree though, there despite the loss, there were a lot of positives that came out of the loss yesterday. The thing that concerns me is that the team continues to make mistakes that they were making in the first weeks of the season. Nothing is getting fixed.

No matter how much they talk about discipline, they just can't keep it together.

Still, it is, as you said, a nice baby step in the right direction.

Hirky: Excellent points re: the Habs set plays! Who knows what they actually do in practice, but it certainly isn't showing up on the ice.

As for the PP, I think it is no surprise that things are suddenly on fire given the addition of The Wiz. This has tremendous vision form the back end, very Markov-like, and you can see it on the ice.

You see how he threaded the seam on the Plekanec goal? This guy will continue to help the Canadiens transition game AND pp.

Havlat, eh? Interesting. He's a gamblish guy, but has had some great success with JM in the past, so it wouldn't surprise me if the Habs went after him.

Thanks for the feedback on the vids too! They will be a regular part of the content I'm going to be providing on HA so please, send me your thoughts and feedback!

Thanks for your comments peeps!

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